Archive for the ‘Dentist Office New Bern’ Category

Will Insurance Cover Dental Implants?

What is and is not covered by health insurance and dental can be confusing, especially when it comes to specialty procedures like dental implants. Many patients ask us whether their specific insurance covers dental implants, and the answer is that… - By Dr. Hoard

What Causes Cavities?

Our teeth: We should really appreciate them more than we do. We use them to chew the food that nourishes our bodies and helps us stay healthy and strong. We also show them off when we smile to make a… - By Dr. Hoard

FAQ: All About Fillings

Do you feel like every time you go to the dentist, you’re being told you need another filling? Dr. J. Stephen Hoard of New Bern NC wants you to know the warning signs that can tell you that you may… - By Dr. Hoard

Be Aware of Sugary Beverages

With the longer days and warmer weather many of us take to the outdoors. But with BBQs, family gatherings, and more physical activity comes sports drinks, sodas, and fruity cocktails. That means a huge upswing in sugar intake. Dr. Stephen… - By Dr. Hoard