Inlays & Onlays An Overview
Dental inlays and onlays are very similar to a dental filling or tooth crown. These restorations are used for teeth that have wear, decay or other damage. Inlays and onlays are non-invasive and can be made from a variety of durable materials such as resin, porcelain and/or gold. Custom-made inlays and onlays provide comprehensive care to restore the integrity of teeth. Dental inlays and onlays are a restorative dentistry offering that Dr. Dr. Steven Hoard provides to his patients in New Bern, NC.
Inlay vs. Onlay
The main difference between an inlay and an onlay is the amount of coverage to the tooth.
A dental inlay is more similar to a filling and is placed within the cusps of the tooth. For large surfaces of decay present on the contour of the tooth, inlays are a great restorative option.
A dental onlay can be thought of as a partial crown, covering the top part or crown of the tooth. Onlays address the small spaces found in the crown area that usually develop cavities.