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Everything You Need To Know About Cosmetic Bonding

Cosmetic dentist Dr. Stephen Hoard offers a variety of dental services that can help improve the appearance and quality of your smile, including cosmetic bonding. Cosmetic bonding can be an excellent solution for patients who have damaged teeth due to… - By Dr. Hoard

October Is National Oral Hygiene Month!

Help us celebrate National Oral Hygiene month by improving your oral hygiene routine and visiting our New Bern, NC dentist office. General dentist Dr. Stephen Hoard encourages patients to maintain an excellent oral hygiene routine in order to retain optimal oral health.… - By Dr. Hoard

Teeth Grinding

Most patients don't realize they grind their teeth because tooth grinding usually happens while you are asleep. During a comprehensive exam, restorative dentist Dr. J. Stephen Hoard can thoroughly examine your mouth, teeth, and gums and look for any signs of… - By Dr. Hoard

Tips To Help Cope With Dental Fear

Dealing with dental fear can be a tough situation to deal with. Dental fear also inhibits patients from receiving the dental care they need. Dr. Stephen Hoard understands dental fear can be a debilitating issue and works closely with patients… - By Dr. Hoard

The Importance Of Flossing

Are you flossing? If your answer is no, you are not alone. Many patients forget to floss or don't understand the importance of daily flossing. Like brushing, flossing helps remove bacteria and debris that is left in the mouth after… - By Dr. Hoard

Revamp Your Smile

Do you ever find yourself covering your mouth when you smile? Are you self-conscious of chips, cracks or discoloration that disrupt the aesthetics of your smile? If you are looking for a way to revamp your beautiful smile, New Bern,… - By Dr. Hoard

Be Aware of Sugary Beverages

With the longer days and warmer weather many of us take to the outdoors. But with BBQs, family gatherings, and more physical activity comes sports drinks, sodas, and fruity cocktails. That means a huge upswing in sugar intake. Dr. Stephen… - By Dr. Hoard

Happy National Dentist Day!

Happy National Dentist Day! We are so excited to celebrate with all our amazing patients. If you want to join the celebration you can schedule your 6 month check up with our dentist Dr. Stephen Hoard. Our New Bern, NC… - By Dr. Hoard

Replace Your Missing Teeth

If you are feeling defeated by your missing teeth, or overwhelmed by the idea of visiting the dentist, Dr. Stephen Hoard can help. With advances in modern dentistry, replacing missing teeth has become a standard in quality dentistry. Our New… - By Dr. Hoard

What Is Preventative Dentistry?

What is preventative dentistry? Preventative dentistry is the act of maintaining the health of your gums and teeth through education, early diagnosis and proper oral hygiene. The goal of preventative dentistry is to prevent the development of advanced oral health… - By Dr. Hoard